Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Childhood Is For Sale On Esty

It's amazing how much of my past can be found on the Internet considering the fact that almost half my life was spent before the Internet went viral. Here was today's reminder that your memories are just a Google away.

A friend was worried about me in the cold snap in Minnesota and suggested I get a lovely knit hat. Here are a couple he found--which I agree are quite fetching.

Their 70's retro look made brought to mind the only knit hat I can honestly say really stands out in my mind. My mother had a winter hat that my siblings and I hated. It was deeply embarrassing to be seen with her when she was wearing it. I thought my friend would appreciate it, but I didn't have a picture. So, I Google "hand knit brown hat with sequins" (yes, my mother wore a hand-knit brown hat with sequins--BIG sequins!) which got me an image that came very close:

Next, I tried "brown knit hat with paillettes". See? Watching every episode of Project Runway paid off, I learned the word "paillette". Admittedly, I had to scroll down, but there it was in all its hideous glory:

Now, if you have an ironic groovy/ugly style, you can buy this on Esty. However, my mother is far too old to be a hipster. She apparently wore this hat because she thought it was cool without quotation marks--it's possible she even knit it for herself. Although, much to her joy, she quickly realized that her children were appalled and embarrassed by it. If she, say, came to pick up at school and our friends saw her in this hat, Mom would shake her head so the paillettes would shimmy and sparkle in the light. Here's what that looked like to our eyes: A seizure-inducing, shit-colored disco ball.

I would not wear that hat even if Ryan Gosling knit it for me.

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