Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chris Kluwe On The Colbert Report

Someone once asked my sister, "What would do you think your mother would say if you were on the Tonight Show?" Without missing a beat, my sister replied, "I don't like what she's wearing."
Well, my crush, Chris Kluwe, gave a great, smart, funny interview on The Colbert Report...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Chris Kluwe
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...and my first thought was: He wore a stocking cap and flip-flops on national television?! I've come to grudgingly accept that some men no longer dress up for late-night television interviews, so I can live with (not like, but live with) the jeans and t-shirt; however, it is simply never acceptable to wear a ski hat and beach footwear at the same time. Keep in mind this was taped in January in New York City, so the flip-flops are doubly inappropriate. Maybe he's worried that people question his sexuality because he's such a vocal supporter of Marriage Equality, so he wore an outfit no self-respecting gay would be caught dead in.

Still, I can't stay mad at Kluwe for long because he introduced the phrases "lustful cockmonster"  and "beautifully unique sparkle pony" into the national debate on Marriage Equality.

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