Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The North Star Leads To Freedom

Today was a Big Gay Day in Minnesota. Both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Civil Law Committee advanced a Marriage Equality bill that would legalize same-sex marriage.

In case you missed it, the announcement of the bill had the cutest press conference ever. I know the competition for "cutest press conference ever" probably isn't that stiff, but this is seriously adorable.

It also helped that this is the kind of witness the committee heard testifying for Marriage Equality. Former Minnesota State Representative (Republican, FYI) Lynne Osterman spoke eloquently and emotionally getting to the real heart of the issue: "Whether you believe in big government or small, do you believe in fair? Respectful? Equal? Is it ever okay to say, well, except for those people?"

The opponents of Marriage Equality, as usual, seem to have been bussed in from Crazy Town. I'll let Gawker explain the next video:
Speaking before the State House was one Mike Frey, a "concerned Minnesotan and father and a husband," who appears to be under the tragically ignorant impression that A) only married people have sex, B) unprotected vaginal sex cannot transmit HIV because the vagina has a "barrier" that protects it from such diseases, and C) the mere act of unprotected anal sex (which only gay men have) causes AIDS.

The bigots are really digging their own graves these days. As they say in Jesup: With enemies like this, who needs friends?

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